How to calculate an Accurate TDEE?
When you calculate your TDEE online or through any other methods, regardless of how you calculate it or what equation you use, it will NOT be 100% accurate. It likely won’t even be close to accurate for most people despite however many factors they gather from you.
The only way to find out true TDEE is to track weight and calorie intake and see how one affects the other.
But this isn’t easy to do and is overly complicated for most people. It’s nearly impossible to do without some form of software unless you’re an old-school mathematician. AccuraTDEE uses an algorithm to monitor the relationship between your body weight and calorie intake and adjust your TDEE based on this.
After around three weeks of tracking, you’ll have a very accurate estimation of your true TDEE, much more accurate than any TDEE calculator you’ll ever use. Since it’s based on YOUR individual data and not entirely based on some generic formula.
This is the most accurate and convenient way to know exactly how much you need to be eating to reach your goal in the most effective way possible. It basically eliminates all the guesswork for you. And you can trust that everything you see within it is backed by evidence and explicitly personalized to you.